This reading was presented to me by a friend, and was posted by a woman named, Tara Davis. This is an example of the power of animal communication and how not all things are as they may seem. This horse had a lot going on, and his colicky symptoms were stemming from far more than physical issues. Horses are powerful spirit guides and offer opportunities for spiritual evolution and growth, if we are willing to look deep into ourselves, and not turn away. Truly they are a divine blessing.
Lots of love!
My sweet Dragon Boy suffered yet another colic last night. Thankfully he pulled through again but it's scaring me more each time. He's so young and I put so much effort into preventative care, so to have it continue to happen is upsetting to say the least. I'm having more diagnostic work done but I want to ask anyone with experience with the fabulous but sometimes delicate Friesian breed if there's anything in particular that I should look into
Edited to add that he has been cleared for ulcers, lives in a herd on several acres with free access to low sugar hay, comprehensive supplements and out of 6 horses in the herd he is the only one having issues.
Tara Davis
My Initial Reading
Hi Tara, Dawn Kalin sent me your post. I’m an animal communicator and she thought I may be of some help to you. Your boy is very open, receptive and sweet so he was very open to a dialogue. First, he’s saying that you have some nick name for him which he wants me to tell you he really likes, he loves when you call him by this particular endearment. When I look at his aura is cloudy, but there is a great shine underneath. He says he feels slightly off a good part of the time. Like he isn’t quite one hundred percent quite often. He brings my attention to his esophagus. This makes suspicious of megaesophagus. But he also says he doesn’t feel uncomfortable “all” the time in this part of his body. This makes me wonder if there are varying degrees of this condition, megaesophagus, or if the colic just somehow makes him feel tight in his esophagus. He says it’s a tightness. When I ask him if his stomach hurts, he says not always, but sometimes. He doesn’t seem to feel it is from any particular food. Does he get alfalfa? He seems to complain of a general feeling of unrest physically, like his immune system isn’t quite up to speed. And he says he experiences some general stress in his environment, but that it isn’t constant. He’s asking me where you go when you are away? Are you away from time to time? This somehow makes him feel insecure. He likes to know where you are, and when you will be back. Part of this is because he does feel fragile physically, and somehow knows you will help him and relies on this. This is also a part of his stress. He says this. He is very endearing and devoted. He is also very sensitive, and he says in his own way emotional. Some of this is that he is not always sure how to express or deal with his emotions. A lot of movement helps he says, and he likes to be engaged with you, he says he feels secure then and purposeful. This stress and his suppressed immunity is in his energy field. It needs to be lightened and lifted.
He tells me he doesn’t feels it’s a specific food, but I would test any supplements you may be giving him, and food. Does he get only grass hay, some horses can’t tolerate alfalfa at all, and some are sensitive to even some grass hays. So much of a horse’s diet is unnatural, and our soil isn’t what it once was, so feeding for some horses is very particular. Does he get a good probiotic daily? This would be very helpful. Maybe you could ask your veterinarian about this. Some are even sensitive to certain fats. Massaging the ears daily, gently pulling the ears and then massaging the tips can help relieve colic pain. This will also help Dragon Boy’s energy field and aura “lighten up”. I have a chart of acupressure points I could make available to you, if you feel this would be helpful. Putting tea tree oil on the navel can help too. Dragon Boy would benefit from some flower essences for his stress and this would help him too. I’m happy to test him for this, just let me know. I would continue to work with a competent veterinarian to get a clear diagnostic, so you know how to proceed.
He is a beautiful sensitive horse, he has come to be far more than your companion, but to add a richness and grace to your life. He is a blessing.
Tara’s Response,
Hi Julia, thank you for sharing such a powerful message from Drago. I've been sitting with it and several things are coming up for me. When you mentioned that tightness in his esophagus, my immediate first thought was of the first colic episode where I called the vet out and he tubed him. He had to twitch him to stand still enough to get the tube down his nose and throat. After the second colic episode I found myself feeling like that tubing was completely unnecessary because it wasn't, impaction - it's gas. Tubing is traumatic and likely painful and if it isn't medically necessary then it shouldn't be done. I got a feeling when I read your message, that maybe the tightness is coming from a fear that we won't listen to what he really needs when he has these episodes, that the vet will come and tube him again when he doesn't need it.
I also have been feeling that his being orphaned at a few months old has something to do with this. I am feeling like his immune system didn't get the full download from his dams milk, and the stress and pain of losing his dam lead to his system being weakened even further. The emotional side of it too, the fear of abandonment and swallowing his emotions...
I know that up until he was 3 years old when I bought him, he was on strictly alfalfa. I gently switched him over when I bought him to a low sugar grass hay (several varieties of grasses) which he has 24/7 access to eat from. I'm going to test his supplements and cut out one that I'm already getting a bit of a feeling about. I'm going to get him on an immune support, a probiotic + live yeast culture, and a hair sample test to check for vitamin/mineral imbalance as well as heavy metals. I have been getting a feeling that there are some parasites that haven't responded to the deworming I had him on, so I'm having that fully tested and treated. If his immune system is low, then he would be at much higher risk for parasites which cause colic episodes like these.
So that's my kind of medical treatment plan with him, but I feel like there's an important emotional side as well that needs as much support as he does physically. It really got to me when you said he wonders where I go and that he likes when I'm around as he can relax a bit - I am building a house right now with my partner on the property the horses live at. In three months, I'll be living with them full time finally and my own stomach literally aches for that time to come as fast as possible. Some weeks I get to work on the house all day and play with the horses during my breaks. During these times he watches me throughout the day, curious and seemingly happy, reassured by me being around. But some weeks I don't get to work there as much because of work or the kids or just life coming up. And I never thought of how that may affect him but now I realize I never explain it to them. In fact, I feel kind of guilty about it and even though I see them every day, during those weeks I don't work at the ranch during the day, I always suppress my feelings of guilt which must be even more difficult for them.
My Response
Hi Tara, What you are feeling your Drago tells me is correct. He does not wish to be tubed. This was not as much painful but terrifying he says. The feeling made him feel as if he was going to choke as well as having the “colicky” feeling. This makes sense because the tube passes the trachea and esophagus.
He tells me he was dramatically affected by the loss of his dam. He carries this trauma, and this is also why he is intensely stressed when he doesn’t know where you are. This stress is in part contributing to his tendency to colic. The stress is affecting his body chemistry. There is a strong connection between stress and the gut. Given what he told me and the information you have given me this all makes sense. He sees you as his surrogate dam. He longs to be “brought up”. He sees you as his chance to experience a maternal experience. Nothing takes the place of the love of a mother for a young one this includes horses. I know you understand that. He refers to you as his “mother” he uses a term closer to “mommy”. He is truly trying in his own way to heal this wound and fill this void. All of this is in his energy field. His immune system I believe is compromised. He appears to be a Friesian, and they are prone to immune system issues. I think you are very wise in all the testing and such that you are doing for him. When I energetically test, he does have some problems with parasites. I use a probiotic and natural wormer from Dynamite marketing. They also have several products for immune support I’ve used for years. I used them to heal a mare I had who had lymphangitis. What I would recommend is Dynapro, the probiotic, and herbal tonic, the natural wormer. The herbal tonic I start right after the full moon, so you are working with the cosmos. As the moon gets smaller this is a time for expelling. The other product is miracle clay. This is an overall detoxifier. I’m a distributor and if you look at these products and they resonate, let me know and I will give you my distributor number. I know Dawn has a fabulous guy too who does hair analysis. There are so many wonderful products and options. Thankfully there is more and more awareness of our horses need for better nutrition and more natural options.
You are correct in that not only does he need emotional support, but it is emotional imbalance that causes the physical condition. His colic is an outward extension of his emotional imbalance. Any physical condition starts as a trauma of some kind that is not released or resolved. It then slowly works its way through our energy field into our body. It’s an outward display of inner imbalance. When he isn’t sure where you are, he worries you won’t be back, and he will be abandoned again, just as he was with his mother. He says this, with great intensity. He is unable to process these emotions. He is also extremely emotionally tied to you and knows when you feel guilty, and this adds to his stress. This worries him further. Tara try as much as you can not to upset yourself. He feeds into this. Your goal is to get him emotionally healed and confident that he is safe, and this world is safe. His heart is extremely big, and he is begging me to tell him this is a safe place, but he questions it because of the loss of his dam. This leaves him worrying, more often than not. If you could explain to him that you will be back. Even tell him you are helping other horses, or with your kids, this would help him enormously. You can look at a photo of him and it’s an instant energetic connection. You can do this when you are away from him. You can do this with all your horses. You are correct any suppression of your feeling is hard on your horses. Let the feeling pass through. Otherwise animals attempt to absorb these negative emotions for their human companions. Drago could use some essences to quietly work on releasing the trauma from his energy field. I can test him for this. I also do energy work. I feel some clearing would be of value to him. This would help him release his early traumatic experiences. At the very least letting him know where you are and reassuring Drago that you will be back will help him enormously.
Your instincts are very good, and your horses are extremely bonded to you, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. This means the energy between you is always being exchanged even when you are not in their physical presence. This is a great responsibility in so many ways, but a divine opportunity for growth, to experience true humility, and learn divine wisdom.
It is truly a blessing from the divine.
Tara Davis is the founder of “Unbridled Goddess” and has a unique and harmonious approach to horse human relationship. Harmony is always the greatest way to achieve anything with any animal. You may reach her at